Laura Bute Photography

I are still cuddly

One of the many internet obsessions of today comes in the form of the cute and cuddly. From LOL cats to Cute Things Falling Asleep, people’s obsession with our furry friends has manifested itself online and wiggled its way into the mainstream realm. Kittens aren’t just for calendars anymore. Many videos and images that go viral, however, involve the very cute, very endearing, baby animals of all persuasions. This begs the question: what about our aging animal community?

Houston-based photographer Isa Leshko has not forgotten this oft-overlooked (and might I say marginalized?) community of elderly animals. Her latest work consists of a series of portraits of just that: elderly animals. Leshko’s captivating images show that there is still beauty in the breakdown. She visited farms and sanctuaries across the country photographing geriatric animals of various species, many of them farm animals. An old dog may not learn new tricks, but she remains loyal as sure as the old rooster still crows at first light.

Handsome One, Thoroughbred Horse, Age 33 ©Isa Leshko

Leshko’s demure images remind us that all aged creatures, human or otherwise, have a story to tell and wisdom to impart. Was that a work horse or a race horse? Was that old dog once the trusty steed of a young boy’s imagination? The images also oh-so-subtly remind us of our own mortality. It’s interesting how images of creatures very much alive can prompt a person to mull over the intricacies of life and death. So, folks, let’s applaud our elderly animals, if for no other reason than to remind them that they are not alone as they rage against the dying of the light.

If you happen to be in Galveston in late summer, check out Leshko’s portraits at Galveston Arts Center, scheduled for July 16-August 21.

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About Me

About me

After a photojournalism degree and a short stint as a lead photographer/photo editor at a news web site, I decided it was time to branch out on my own. I specialize in editorial food and travel photography but dabble in a little bit of everything.